Thanks everyone for your active participation here. We knew this would have a lot of interest and so we’ve waited to dive into the conversation because we see some themes emerging that I’ll respond to broadly here. The main concerns I’m noting are around the license agreements we declare, our use of data for AI, and our Acceptable Use Policy. Below are a few clarifications to each of these areas.
I feel for Ashley here. She likely had no say in the matter and is being tasked to defend this change.
There is only one way to fix this short term which is to roll back the TOS.
Long term would be to guarantee to keep the MPL as the governing license for both the source code and executable.
Acceptable solution would be severely limit the license users would have to give to Mozilla, both time bound and use bound.
But again, absolutely no license should be necessary. The browser is not a legal entity and I should not need to give Mozilla a license for my data.
The ToS hasn’t gone into effect yet, so it would be postponing rather than rolling back. One thing that hasn’t been answered yet, though, is why this change is needed now - possibly, there’s a legal reason why postponing isn’t an option?
I feel for all the dollars that will get wet with her tears as she wipes her eyes with them.