Thought I’d post a photo here. It’s my favorite SIsters model I’ve done. My original intent was to start a Sisters army, with the intent of leaving covid lockdown with a finished army. That didn’t happen and I had to abandon ship and focus on my Tyranids. Sisters have the level of detail of an elite army, but the model count of nearly a horde army and that just broke me.
I’ll probably pick away at them one unit at a time here and there, and maybe I’ll have a full force by the time 15th edition rolls around.
the detail is so good!
Thanks! The Sisters models are so cool.
Looks great! What did you use for the basing material?
I think it’s just one of the GW texture pastes (Agrellan Something), then I hit it with either Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade, then dry brushed with Screaming Skull, I think? I think the tuft is an Army Painter one?