I noticed quite a few older unhinged people with upside down smiles. Like :( and that is their default facial expression. What is the reason behind this?
I noticed quite a few older unhinged people with upside down smiles. Like :( and that is their default facial expression. What is the reason behind this?
After a while you have seen it all and it takes extra energy to find the funny. Finding the funny is harder when you sleep poorly and your body ages.
That said, finding the funny is absolutely worth every effort, it’s just that sometimes it’s hard work.
Source: age
yes! sleep gets worse Dunnit? and that makes everything a bit shitter than needes
Sleep … I cannot remember the last time I had eight hours uninterrupted. Last night I managed 5.5 hours in three shifts. That was an improvement on the night before.
tough crowd…
somehow 6 feels great, if you can get it but usually my sinuses cave in screwing everything up