alt text for four panel image

First panel: a poorly drawn figure with half-closed lids asks a smart™ thermostat “hey little man hows it goin?” Second Panel: the smart thermostat points with a large arrow at a screenshot of a graphic that reads “August Trends: Heating & cooling compared with last year”, and shows zero hours more heating, 129 hours more cooling, with a small caption underneath that reads “On average, temperatures were 5 degrees warmer than August 2022” Third Panel: the poorly drawn figure with half-closed lids is shown with an unreadable smile in front of a semi-transparent image of a NASA article that reads “NASA Clocks July 2023 as Hottest Month on Record Ever Since 1880” Fourth Panel: the poorly drawn figure says “yea”

    1 year ago

    The most obnoxious thing is that even if we were seeing natural warming, the greenhouse effect would still be a real thing we have directly observed on Venus and the dumbest bastard in the world should consider not making things worse.