Older but not too old. Not near the microwave. There was a problem with the WiFi not penetrating a wall well so a WiFi extender on the other side connected to Ethernet over power was supposed to fix that. But that turned out more unreliable than before. In the end a WiFi mesh network worked the best.
When I used one of these it jammed the wifi
I have never had that issue. I would have been very curious to try and trouble shoot that. Was it older house? Plugged in near the microwave?
Older but not too old. Not near the microwave. There was a problem with the WiFi not penetrating a wall well so a WiFi extender on the other side connected to Ethernet over power was supposed to fix that. But that turned out more unreliable than before. In the end a WiFi mesh network worked the best.
Mesh networks are pretty hard to beat. Especially for houses with walls that aren’t kind to wifi.