Based on what? His unfavourable a may be high, but I don’t know because I haven’t bothered to check because it’s irrelevant. Ford’s greatest political assets were 1. An [in]famous name, 2. Arriving on the scene at just the right time, 3. Ontarian’s general apathy towards provincial politics and a strong tendency towards status quo, and 4. Not having to deal with any competent opposition.
If an election were help today he would win again.
Or opposition that was just competent enough to cock block each other resulting in a PC win for the riding and thus a majority government with ~30% of the popular vote
Based on what? His unfavourable a may be high, but I don’t know because I haven’t bothered to check because it’s irrelevant. Ford’s greatest political assets were 1. An [in]famous name, 2. Arriving on the scene at just the right time, 3. Ontarian’s general apathy towards provincial politics and a strong tendency towards status quo, and 4. Not having to deal with any competent opposition.
If an election were help today he would win again.
Or opposition that was just competent enough to cock block each other resulting in a PC win for the riding and thus a majority government with ~30% of the popular vote
And very low voter turn out.