Honestly, just doing that would not only solve certain issues, it would remove some unnecessary complexity from English. In most (maybe all?) Turkic languages we don’t have gendered pronouns, just one for “they” and nothing disastrous has happened yet.
That’s when you go, “fuck it. Everyone’s a they. Deal with it.”
Fungus TERFs be like, “ThErE aRe OnLy 6561 gEnDeRs”
Real fungus doesn’t care about gender, only the WAAAAAAGH
Do you think they have dicksquigs?
Maybe fungus should consider itself lucky that it doesn’t need bathrooms.
Germans would be like “I can’t even talk about this fungus without analyzing a DNA sample first”.
Honestly, just doing that would not only solve certain issues, it would remove some unnecessary complexity from English. In most (maybe all?) Turkic languages we don’t have gendered pronouns, just one for “they” and nothing disastrous has happened yet.
It would take some adjustment, but I’d be all for it.