US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign team said Saturday that some of its international communications had been hacked by those “hostile” to the United States.

“These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our democratic process,” Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement.

Cheung was responding to revelations by the Politico news outlet that it had begun receiving emails from an anonymous account containing documents from within the Republican Party candidate’s campaign operation.

Trump’s campaign provided no specific evidence of Iran’s involvement but did imply that Tehran was responsible by mentioning a report by Microsoft researchers that was published this week.

The report said Iran government-tied hackers tried breaking into the account of a “high-ranking official” on the US presidential campaign in June.

That report did not provide further details on the official’s identity.

        3 months ago

        They have the best emails. Like MIT. Emm Eye Tee. Ya know, I have a thing with MIT. Genius. Smart people. So I said to them, “what do you think of Iran having my emails?” And they said, “are you sure it’s Iran? it’s probably the Democrats.” They’re like sharks, Democrats! Sharks swarming this beautiful boat with a battery. Which, if you ask me is a very dangerous thing, the battery. Because what if it electrocutes you? I’ll take the sharks over electrocution any day. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner, folks. Just like that nasty, nasty woman. I bet she feeds the sharks, Nancy Pelosi. AND HER HUSBAND! The leader of the transgenders. They want to take it all away. Take it all away. They want to give your job to transgendered immigrants. Let me tell you. The late great Hannibal Lecter would know what to do.