Canonical’s announced a major shift in its kernel selection process for future Ubuntu releases. An “aggressive kernel version commitment policy” pivot will see it ship the latest upstream kernel code in development at the time of a new Ubuntu release.

Original announcement: Kernel Version Selection for Ubuntu Releases

    3 months ago

    Ubuntu is the only enterprise distro that I can run both at home and at work that also has reasonably up to date packages. Debian and OpenSuse and CentOS (RIP) all run much older packages that may not support what I want to do at home so then my home experience would not match my professional experience.

    Sure there’s fedora but I don’t want to be reinstalling my servers every 8 months or so as a new release comes out

    Ubuntu has long support windows and reasonably up to date packages on recent releases, so I can do whatever I want to without too much faffing about but not have to dist-upgrade every 6-24 months if I don’t want to. Plus it’s an easy one to whip out at work for something because it’s a well established enterprise vendor