Sometimes it makes you wonder how they manage to even find the reply button

    3 months ago

    Others have said this but, that’s because the merchant has changed the item listed. I don’t believe Amazon should even allow this as a possibility but it does so because they allow it sellers will regularly put an item they know will rate really well out for a few months to get a lot of high rating, and then they’ll swap it out for an item that is either something else they want to sell that usually doesn’t sell as often or something that’s a little lower quality but because they had the old item first all of the reviews for the old item is now stacked onto the new item which makes it look better than it actually is

    On top of this, Amazon is able to remember what you purchased in the past so when it gives you those notices it doesn’t give you the current information on the item it gives you the information that provided when the item was purchased, so for example if you asked a question on the item, using what they received they’re probably thinking that you’re the dumb one because they likely got an email showing a dash camera with the same question