In many parts of Europe, it’s common for workers to take off weeks at a time, especially during the summer. Envious Americans say it’s time for the U.S. to follow suit.

Some 66% of U.S. workers say companies should adopt extended vacation policies, like a month off in August, in their workplaces, according to a Morning Consult survey of 1,047 U.S. adults.

    1 year ago

    Yeah good luck with that. In the US capitalism is first and last, it’s god, it determines everything. Votes vote against their own interests because capitalism. Way too many religious persons see Jesus more like a capitalistic investor than the socialist heretic he was. If the rich and greedy can no longer squeeze out the poor and vulnerable then america stops being America.

    Never going to happen

      1 year ago

      It’s harder to see positive change if you’re not looking for it and even easier to hide behind the excuse that you don’t see change so why even try. My state flipped blue and our governor is great. That didn’t just spontaneously happen it happened because people kept trying. Apathy is just choosing not to help by another name.

        1 year ago

        Oh I would agree but I guess I just got very cynical with age… I see so many severe problems that are caused by assholes, supported by large groups of Facebook armchair retards that will suffer from said problems the most… I’ve gotten to the point where I feel like humanity deserves to suffer because it calls it upon itself.over and over.

        Lets vote the devil himself for president because we believe in Christ! I mean… What? How?

        Climate change is a hoax! Said by so many famous people during the hottest day of the hottest month of the hottest hear in recorded history… My teeth are grinding.

        Let’s curb human rights because… Eh… ah yesz to protect the children! Always claim to protect the children! Whenever you see a bill these days claiming to protect children I’ll automatically assume it’s to be able to rape children because that’s how humanity rolls these days.

        Let’s invade another country to play land grab and show off to the world how powerful I am!oh fuck, it’s fucking up? Well let’s continue a full fledge 3 day special operation into day 386something with tends of thousands of deaths because hey, we can’t show weakness here now can we?

        I’ve seen too much shit, I’ve started to avoid the news because it’s just too depressing.