Beats negotiating, I guess…

    1 year ago

    “The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses.”

    “Receiving positive feedback from Wall Street since the WGA went on strike May 2, Warner Bros Discovery, Apple, Netflix, Amazon, Disney, Paramount and others have become determined to “break the WGA,” as one studio exec blatantly put it.”

    Hollywood Studios’ WGA Strike Endgame Is To Let Writers Go Broke Before Resuming Talks In Fall

    This is the narrative the AMPTP started with, and they were fine with it. Add to that Bob Iger’s you did not just say that … yes, you did, comment. Yet, they are surprised the Snidely Whiplash type of messaging cast the AMPTP in a bad light? So now they hire a new crisis PR Firm.

    AMPTP, stop spending time and money trying to look better to the public. Get to negotiating.