Besides Robux, What Can I Give to My Little Brother that Plays Roblox?

I just think Robux bad value for its price.

    1 year ago

    I personally disagree.

    While cash is the most useful gift, gifts aren’t a utilitarian practice. A gift is an opportunity to show someone that not only do you really know them enough to choose something they would enjoy; but also that you’re thinking about them, and that they are worth effort and thought to you.

    Of course, good gifting gets harder as your giftees can afford what they want on their own, but that just makes the sentimental aspects even more important (in my opinion).

      1 year ago

      For a certain type of person who heavily values utility, yeah, go with money. Most useful, the person you replied to has a point.

      They’ll likely also appreciate that you know them well enough to know that they would like money the best instead of making the assumption (that would be correct for a lot of people, but not for this particular example person) that they’ll feel money is too impersonal. 😛 Sentiment probably would play a role, with the sentiment still being “you know me well enough to get me the gift I’d like the most.”

      I like giving gifts because I feel it’s me showing the other person that I know what they like, that I see them and listen to them. I like receiving gifts that show that the person who got me it knows me well enough to know my likes. I would absolutely prefer money if you’re uncertain of my likes—I also value utility. Even if the gift of money was low-effort and not out of “I know you would prefer money over an incorrect guess at what you like,” I’d still prefer the money. More useful to me and would bring more joy than something I didn’t like.

      So I mostly agree with you when it comes to gift-giving, but the person you replied to also has a point!

      1 year ago

      Ofc something nice and thoughtful is ideal But this guy didn’t give us anything to build off of, other than roblox and not robux

      If you know someone and they like gifts: give something useful they would like, but haven’t bought themselves (if they like things to have a use) or something that doesn’t need to have monetary value, like something more personal and thoughtful (if they like decorations and things with personal value)

      If you don’t really know the person or they don’t really want random stuff: money, because even though it’s not the best gift out there still it’s better than something they wouldn’t use or already had