Longer French press method I saw on YT and tried just for the hell of it.
It worked great! Like really great. Wanted to share as I was surprised. Also wonder if FP fans were already aware of this.
Longer French press method I saw on YT and tried just for the hell of it.
It worked great! Like really great. Wanted to share as I was surprised. Also wonder if FP fans were already aware of this.
9 minute steep sounds really really long. My favorite cup I’ve made was like 3.5 minute steep on a coarse grind.
My French press method is to forget that I’ve made coffee and then come back to it ~20 minutes later.
Fair, but in this method you’re removing much of the grounds with a spoon after 4mins.
I actually did 4min plus another 7. I dunno, I liked it noticeably a lot, but it’s definitely more of a pain.