It’s absolutely true that a lot of modern-day problems with being tired come from bad sleep habits. What I’m talking about is a real phenomenon that isn’t being in front of a screen too close to bedtime. If anyone wants to know more, here’s a 3-minute video from AsapSCIENCE about what research shows.

    6 months ago

    It’s super helpful to people like me who have been suffering their entire lives. It’s great to feel heard and validated, but the real value is being able to learn about myself. I’ve never been a morning person and have trouble sleeping at night. It’s really nice to hear something other than “you’re just not trying” or “try counting sheep”. It’s a lot better than just thinking I’m flawed. I wish someone would have told my parents this when they used to scream at me for sleeping in too late or not being asleep when they wanted me to be.

    It was the same way with my adhd. My parents and teachers kept telling me I was just lazy, or didn’t care when I felt like I was working my butt off. Being ‘worse’ then everyone else ate me alive and I’m still suffering for it. It was the same with my brothers autism. It was the same with my chronic depression. I wish I was born in this age of self reflection and mental health awareness, and for the sake of all the kids like me I really hope we keep pushing forward.

    I’m sure your comment was sarcastic, but I’m hijacking it to dump 20 years of built up trama, and to let the world know how thankful I am that we’re starting to accept these labels as more than just flaws. They’re really, really helpful.

    Edit to say, I just read the other comments and realize you weren’t being sarcastic. I hope my post helped point out some of the reasons things like this are becoming so important to people.