Steam Deck is the biggest threat to Xbox and maybe the other way around too. Let’s explore Microsoft and Valve’s weird relationship

    5 months ago

    Meh. They are their own worst enemy. If you’re going to make a console, you have to give people reasons to buy it. Their lack of console selling games isn’t the steam deck’s fault.

    I thought the ps3 might kill Sony’s console dreams but they buckled down and delivered with the ps4.

    M$ can salvage this, if they genuinely reflect and start delivering.

      5 months ago

      Sony also built up momentum during the second half of the PS3’s lifespan by focusing on what’s most important for a games console: games. And they made the PS3 more affordable and therefore accessible with a great, focused PS3 redesign in form of the PS3 Slim, saving costs while only cutting features that weren’t really important to most potential customers (PS2 backwards compatibility).

      They took that momentum, watched Microsoft fail and made a home run with the PS4 based on the perfect storm that was created.

      The PS5 was simply a continuation of their good form, and Microsoft has just been going along with their Xbox brand and consoles, seemingly not knowing where to go, buying studios left and right which then proceed to release mediocre titles. They also tried something with their subscription service, but it turns out most people just buy the games they want to play instead of picking from a selection of games of which they wouldn’t have chosen most of them if they weren’t included in a subscription.

    • thingsiplay@beehaw.orgOP
      5 months ago

      The video content isn’t talking about the current market or the past, but how Steam Deck is the biggest threat to Xbox in the future. Xbox has a lot of potential. The leadership changed (which is addressed in this video too). When Microsoft was at its worse, Steve Ballmer was the boss of Microsoft and Don Mattrick was ruining Xbox in the ground with XBox One. Now we have Satya Nadella and have Spencer, who did bring back the Xbox brand and seem to understand their stuff better.