Is it possible for me to grab (download) a full list of transcripts from a youtube channel’s videos. I am working on a small project, of which I need a list of the videos, like all of them to control+f and find specific words.

I was wondering if anyone knew of such program I could use.

However, I wrote this AppScript in Google Drive, of which I’m not sure if this will work. It uses high level Google Account Access.

function getYouTubeTranscripts() {
  const CHANNEL_ID = "UCtMVHI3AJD4Qk4hcbZnI9ZQ";

      // This below is what, before Oath (ing), is what Google is saying its unsafe, and does not let me continue...
  const youtube = YouTubeApp.getOAuth2Service().getService();
  const videoIds ="id", { channelId: CHANNEL_ID, maxResults: 50 }) =>;

  videoIds.forEach(videoId => {
    const captions = youtube.captions().list("snippet", { videoId }).items;
    if (captions.length > 0) {
      const captionId = captions[0].id;
      const transcript = youtube.captions().download(captionId, { tfmt: "srt" }).getContentText();
      DriveApp.createFile(`${videoId}.txt`, transcript, "text/plain");
      Logger.log(`Transcript for video ${videoId} saved.`);
    } else {
      Logger.log(`No transcript found for video ${videoId}.`);

Just wondering of anything else I could use…

    6 months ago

    I was just going to chime in with this. I don’t know the details of their implementation, but I get transcripts with every video I download using yt-dlp (if it exists which it does 99.9% of the time).