At least two brands have said they will suspend advertising on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, after their ads and those of other companies were run on an account promoting fascism. The issue came less than a week after X CEO Linda Yaccarino publicly affirmed the company’s commitment to brand safety for advertisers.

    1 year ago

    Because the internet itself functions based on the ideals of Communism… Literally.

    There are many moving pieces to “the Internet”. Literally none fundamentally work based on Communism. Any “free work” is a fancy version of Black Friday doorbuster sales.

    Who designed the internet?

    The United States military and research universities. Universities fund research to attract prestige, patentable technology, court donations, etc.

    Did they make everyone pay for it?

    The early Internet was not available, period. For pay or not. Al Gore as Senator, pushed for it to open it for commercial exploitation and commercial ISP’s began. Unless you had 500 hours of free AOL dialup, you were paying for it.

    Who designs and maintains the protocols the internet uses to communicate with?

    Cisco, IBM, Google, AWS, and others hire engineers to sit on the IETF, w3c, etc committees. They publish protocols so their employers can sell new products or maintain marketshare. As a side gig, they also review and approve protocols like ActivityPub.

    Do they charge licensing fees for you to use them?

    No, the expense is recouped when companies buy products that are built around those products.

    Who writes the encryption algorithms that make HTTPS actually secure?

    RSA is a multi-billion dollar security company. HTTPS certificates are products that you purchase from Certificate Authorities. Let’s Encrypt is funded by commercial companies to ensure consumer confidence in their main products.

    Are they open source?

    Sure. The algorithms are also reviewed and approved by NIST, a Communist agency run by the Communist country, the United States of America. You generally do not commercially use use an algorithm if it has not been approved by NIST.

    Can you use them without paying a licensing fee?

    Yes. Again, the expense is recouped when companies buy products that are built around those products.

    Who designs and maintains the HTML specification?

    Google, Apple, Mozilla, etc.


    As above.

    Video codecs that make YouTube function without royalties?

    Streaming services are communism now?

    Communism is EVERYWHERE, and it’s glorious. Why do you so utterly fail to understand what it even is?

    The misunderstanding is yours.

      1 year ago

      Bahahahaha you literally do not understand what communism is…

      Do you think all those corporations contributing to the OPEN STANDARDS are paying each other to work on the open standards?!

        1 year ago

        You remind me of a quote: “Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don’t appreciate or understand.”