It’s called hypnopompic hallucination.

Unlike with sleep paralysis, you can move and talk while still seeing it and it will last a few seconds up to a minute which can seem like an eternity.

It usually fades as soon as you turn on the light, but for some very few people it does not and persists even after turning on the light.

Here’s an example of someone who often experiences these and has started recording themselves:

Why YSK: because it’s very scary and unsettling when it happens and since you can move you don’t believe it’s sleep paralysis and can’t explain it. This might explain many of the “monster or spirit at the foot of my bed” sightings that we often hear mentioned in horror podcasts.

    1 year ago

    This happens to me sometimes. It’s usually a shadowy person standing in my room with me, or just outside my bedroom door, just staring at me. It doesn’t sound as scary as some of the others here, but even just typing it out made me uncomfortable.

    For other people who have this, here’s something that helped me: count your fingers. I realised when I have this, my brain can’t understand fingers. So in my conscious life, if I ever get even a little bit stressed or uncomfortable, I count on my fingers. Eventually it becomes habit, so when I have these hallucinations I immediately start counting my fingers but my brain can’t handle it and it snaps me out of it pretty quick. It also has the side bonus of being a slightly distracting activity to help calm me down just a smidge in an otherwise terrifying experience.