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From The 12 Dutch Dog Breeds, article by Nicole Cosgrove on Hepperdotcom.

Recognized as one of the five rarest breeds of dog in the world, the Stabyhoun comes from the Frisian forest region in the southeast of the Netherlands. Mentioned in Dutch literature as far back as the early 1800s, these working dogs are capable of being trained to do just about anything. Gentle and eager to please, they’re an exceptionally versatile pet that enjoys having plenty of playtime and physical activity.

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TOP 10 Interesting Facts Video from Roca Dog

pinterest link for tons of images like these:

stabyhoun sitting in office chair in unusual pose of sitting on butt and back

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stabyhoun in lake with just neck and head out of water one ear flopped back

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stabyhoun puppy white body with black spots head is all black

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