Googling around, I’ve seen a lot of users and journos claiming they are a jewish stereotype. I struggled to even compare them to what HP did. And as a partially jew, I’m really jealous of qualities these bigots paint and the thinking process Quark put to work. He’s probably my favorite character of the whole franchise.

    8 months ago

    If we’re going on the HP route, then it has to be mentioned that by promoting the Ferengi, you are also supporting the objectification of women.
    It’s not a secret that one of the main producers in charge was anti-women. This idea of having women paraded around naked and servile is a gross violation of women’s rights everywhere.
    Yet it’s ok when the Ferengi are doing it because it’s an “alien” culture that someone invented out of thin air. Nevermind that the women acting those roles were being actively humiliated.

    But I guess it might not be the same in some people’s eyes. After all, it’s one thing to portray a race or a culture in a stereotypically racist way, and it’s quite another to maltreat every representative of a biological sex. Completely different, I’m sure.

      8 months ago

      You talk like they were constantly parading naked Ferengi women around on the show, but I struggle to recall even a single instance of one being on screen without clothing. If there was one it has completely faded from my mind.

          8 months ago

          That the problematic aspect being called out was never directly shown? Pretty sure you can’t.

            8 months ago

            Pretty sure I can. Quark’s mother and Troi’s mother.

            “If there was one it has completely faded from my mind.”

            Yeah, about that. Not once did I or anyone I know took note of that star of David in the bank in any of the films until it became a trend years after the fact to be upset by it.

            You don’t remember one thing, I don’t remember another. Why is the thing I don’t remember more important than yours?

            It’s interesting that while the situations are similar, we can make excuses for the one we’re biased towards. On one side there’s an amazing space culture that degrades women, lies, cheats and steals, but it’s ok because the presented characters are likeable and the society reluctantly grows out of it later. On the other side, there’s an evil magical culture that makes use of a historical stereotype steeped in folklore and which also lies, cheats and steals in an lore ok kind of way, but it’s not ok because they don’t have likeable characters and don’t grow out of it as much as some people would have liked.

            Now you might say it’s not the same. That would be correct. They’re only similar because while the details surrounding them are different, they both revolve around topics that should be equally disapproved, yet are not. For reasons.

              8 months ago

              …is there some reason you didn’t point out that I forgot the episode rather than leading on by saying similar arguments could be made about the goblins? Or was the “similar thing” you were talking about the fact that anyone can just say “I don’t remember”?

              So yes, in one episode Ishka appears naked, appropriately covered for broadcast TV of course. And the entire point of that episode was that Ferengi traditions surrounding women were discriminatory, old fashioned, and should not be accepted.

              Also, Lwaxana isn’t Ferengi, so I’m not sure how she’s relevant here.

              Yet it’s ok when the Ferengi are doing it because it’s an “alien” culture that someone invented out of thin air.

              It wasn’t okay. That was literally the point.