China Uncensored is a thrice-weekly satirical show on YouTube in the vein of The Daily Show or The Colbert Report, hosted by Chris Chappell. China Uncensored is highly critical of the current regime in China, raising issues relating to China's …
The page literally says that it agrees with the show, or “muh truth in television” that those who do business with the Communist Party of China never learn, even though by and large the CPC acts with intelligence, reason, forgives hundreds of billions of dollars in loans, is open to extended negotiations and has longer payback times and less interest than “loans” from capitalist nations.
The page literally says that it agrees with the show, or “muh truth in television” that those who do business with the Communist Party of China never learn, even though by and large the CPC acts with intelligence, reason, forgives hundreds of billions of dollars in loans, is open to extended negotiations and has longer payback times and less interest than “loans” from capitalist nations.