We are now many years outside of the EU now and yet we have next to nothing in place to verify what is coming into the country. The EU are about to make border checks more stringent on their side, and yet we have open borders for anything coming from the EU.

Last year they actually checked 28 wagons to get a sample of what is happening, and found 21 to have food that was grossly not fit for human consumption. This was over a year ago and we have absolutely nothing in response to it.

We will have without a doubt, arms and drugs being freely transported into the UK. The food we import will have no standards applied to it. There is a massive risk to our farming industry as we are wide open to disease being imported into the country.

There is a huge disparity between the cost of someone in the EU trading with the UK over someone from the UK exporting to the EU. This has nothing to do with inflation, it is just pure incompetence to act as a government. The stories that have been circling this issue are like vultures waiting for the final moments before death. The EU ended up getting so annoyed with the British governments handling of this issue that they had to send a wagging finger of disapproval straight to Sunak’s office.

This is an exert from the report commissioned in July 22.

Despite examples of excellence and a dedicated, capable workforce, Border Force seems to be less than the sum of its parts with significant systemic challenges. There is little capacity for strategic planning or workforce development. The inability of Border Force to plan effectively is further impacted by the delivery failures of enabling functions such as recruitment and procurement. Steps should be taken to address the administrative issues that are continuing to distract the organisation so that it can focus on its core mission.

The date for an expected result from the report is very telling at 2025. This government has done nothing to actually run the country. It has no intention of doing anything either. All promises are always for jam tomorrow and mostly after the election to make it an SEP(somebody else’s problem). Sunak’s only real push was to get licenses in exchange for family benefits. They are robbing the country blind and we are drowning with the abject lack of management. We really need an election.