Several Twitter accounts with paid Blue subscriptions have promoted false and misleading claims related to the Ukraine war. These include posts alleging that weapons sent to Ukraine were used in French riots, that Ukraine runs “baby factories” harvesting children’s organs, and that Ukraine accidentally launched the missile that struck Kramatorsk. In reality, fact checkers found no evidence for these claims. Additionally, while Volodymyr Zelensky stated that elections cannot be held during martial law, some Blue accounts falsely claimed he cancelled elections altogether. Twitter declined to comment on the issue of false information spread by Blue accounts.

    1 year ago

    Yeah, Twitter Blue accounts have been advertised on forums that sell social media accounts since the day it’s announced

    Here are some examples:

    I’ve even seen services where someone in Indonesia offers to pay the Blue subscription monthly for the buyers with some markups

    Why not just subscribe to them yourself? Some reasons I could think of:

    1. You reside in regions where twitter blue is not available, or sanctioned regions.
    2. You don’t want it to be traced back to you easily, considering many of the buyers are getting them for crypto scams / disinformations, or even state sponsored
    3. You want aged accounts with fake followers and contents. Although I’ve seen some sellers offering barebone accounts, probably for those who can’t buy blue subscription in their countries.