Sometimes unused class or function manages to slip into code base. Static code checkers like ruff, flake8 does not have rules for detecting such globally unused code.
I tried using vulture, but it has too many false positives to have it as part of CI/CD pipeline.
I have tried to implement my own, more reliable check for global deadcode detection.
Please let me know what you think about it.
Interesting. I’ll have to give it a try.
Currently putting together unit tests for a project and I’m using pytest-cov to identify unused blocks of code (that I need to define tests to invoke). A lot of time code isn’t used but should remain as it has a purpose for a future / anticipated need
That’s nice, but that’s usually what testing and coverage are for.
Hello, Im confuse how to use deadcode, installed it with pip install deadcode In Spyder console typed ‘deadcode’ or ‘deadcode .’, result: NameError: name ‘deadcode’ is not defined I want to remove unused variable. Thanks